The Official Ceremony & Lunch 24 December 2005 |
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Ileach Announcement716 views

Ileach Report731 views

frony page in the Ileach731 views

Wedding Lunch680 viewsL to R Alison(just!), Phil, Tony, Norman McLeod, John Wade

Phil & Tony enjoy Lunch at the Harbour Inn, Islay787 views

Your Health748 viewsL to R Tony, Allison Wade, Kirstie, Phil

Family Group outside the Registry Office, Islay690 viewsL to R Josh, Kirstie, Amy, Tony, Phil, Robin

Wedding Group outside the Registry Office703 viewsL to R Alison, Josh, John, Kirstie, Phil, Amy, Tony, Robin, Norman

Tony, Phil & The Registrar753 viewsL to R Tony, Sharon McHarrie, Phil

Phil signs the Register725 views

Tony signs the Register682 views

Outside the Registry office689 viewsView over Loch Indaal, Islay